Saturday, June 25, 2011

N9 GUI (Graphical User Interface) A Closest Look

Screenshots of GUI of Nokia N9 designs would be very informative for all users of Nokia N9. Here are some screen shots that helps anyone to use N9, which I searched over the net.
First look at the screenshots of the slandered locked screen. There are two lock mechanisms. The one is to drop the lock icon in to the square in above the triangle.


And other method is to move the lock button bellow the clock area or small rectangle to a large rectangle

Easy multitasking is done through the movement of fingers left or right. And the size of cards, amount of card overlap, zoom, and speed of carousel can all be modified in themes.

Alternatively there is also a style grid view. Notice on the second screenshot, what’s titled as maps and what appears to be a Google street-view esque page.

Slandered application launcher has the 3X4 application grid. You’ll notice that you can switch sideways to more app pages (see in second screenshot the indicator at the top).

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